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Eureka Slide Show


As I sort the various video clips, select frames will be shown here.
My business is the production of videos of all types, you could call me an 'event documentary producer' - I shoot digital video - Mini DV -this footage is appropriate for all commerical and personal video productions, additionally each frame of the video will produce stills which are useful for internet applications (such as you see on this page) small brochure applications, newsprint advertisments, and other stationary needs. I produce internet sites for individuals as well.

The Internet and WWW sites such as this has enabled a convergence of the media 'art-photography-writing-publishing' the result of the computer revolution is the intergration a number of skills for myself and many other artists. I hope you enjoy the show.

If you would like to contact me EMAIL is the best and fastest method to reach me. I normally check the mail 2 to 3 times daily.

please give me as much advanced notice for projects as possible.

A Compete Manual of Videotaping and Editing Techniques
This manual is a comprehensive study of video and internet applications. I wrote this for the beginning student, however the professional also will find useful information here.